Category - Uncategorized @en


Ex post monitoring visit of LIFE Project: LIFE12 ENV/SI/000969 ReSoil

Ex-post evaluations of closed projects are an important tool to assess the strengths of the LIFE Programme and to review the impacts of interventions that often cannot be captured at the final report stage. The visit showed that the issue addressed by the LIFE12 ENV/SI/000969 ReSoil project, cost-effective soil remediation, is still highly relevant to …


Visit of students of Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana as part of the University study of agriculture – agronomy 2nd level

On Friday, October 28, 2022, we were visited by students from the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. At Envit HQ, we prepared two lectures, showcased a 50 kg/batch pilot autonomous mobile unit, and demonstrated the process of ReSoil technology on laboratory and pilot scale.


Presentation of ReSoil technology as a case study in Soil Washing (SW) report

Presentation of ReSoil technology as a case study (only 6 cases were presented in document Soil Washing Report, issued by consortium IMPEL, NICOLE, COMMON FORUM and EIONET WG Contamination and a group of external reviewers). This guideline in the  Soil Washing Report compiles the most recent knowledge on one of the most used remediation technologies.


Presentation of ReSoil technology in the popular show “Ugriznimo znanost” on RTV SLO1

On RTV SLO1 In the popular show on RTV SLO1 – Bite the science, a few minutes were devoted to the presentation of the breakthrough ReSoil remediation technology (watch from 16:33 minute) on the link – ReSoil in TV Show Ugriznimo znanost “Bite the science”. .


ReSoil® technology was presented at 11th SUITMA (Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic and Mining Areas) Conference in Berlin

Presentation of ReSoil® technology entitled “Large-scale demonstration of ReSoil®, a sustainable technology for soil washing of metal contaminated soil” was presented at the 11th Conference on Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic and Mining Areas in Berlin, Germany. Results of ReSoil® technology were presented by dr. Simon Gluhar and dr. Grega E. Voglar in Virtual Poster …


New paper about the ReSoil technology published in high-ranked scientific journal Chemosphere

We are delighted to announce that we successfully published our first paper tackling the Removal of toxic metals from sewage sludges using ReSoil technology For more information regarding the ReSoil research, please click on the link below, where the original peer-reviewed paper is published: Arteaga, J.F.M., Kaurin, A. and Lestan, D., 2022. Removal of toxic metals …


ReSoil technology presented at the RemTech Expo 2021 in Ferrara (Italy)

The results of the novel ReSoil technology demonstrated in large-scale will be presented at the RemTech Expo in Ferrara (Italy) which will be held from 20th till 24th of September 2021. An oral presentation entitled “Large-scale demonstration of Resoil, a sustainable technology for soil washing of metal contaminated soil” will be presented as part of …


Oral presentation of ​ReSoil technology at GENEVA Eurosoil 2021

Virtual oral presentation of ReSoil technology entitled ”Large-scale demonstration of ReSoil, a sustainable technology for soil washing of metal contaminated soil” was presented at GENEVA Eurosoil 2021. Simon Gluhar, PhD presented results of ReSoil technology in session SDG11 – Managing urban environment: technologies and methodologies for the management and reuse of soils and sediments 1.


Three novel ReSoil research papers have been published

Three papers published one after another in high-ranked scientific journal Science of The Total Environment. For more information regarding the ReSoil research, please click on the links below, where all three original peer reviewed papers are published: Part I – GLUHAR, Simon, KAURIN, Anela, FINŽGAR, Neža, GERL, Marko, KASTELEC, Damjana and LEŠTAN, Domen. Demonstrational gardens with …


Results of basic ARRS project (J4-8219) – chicken coop experiment

The results of the experiment showed that there were no statistical differences in the concentration of lead in eggs between hens reared on original and remediated soils.

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