Category - News


7th Annual Urban Soils Symposium in NYC, New York, United States

Envit Ltd. participated in person at the 7th Annual Urban Soils Symposium themed: Metabolism of Cities, held at LMCC Arts Center at Governors Island, NYC on November 16th & 17th 2022. The ReSoil® technology and its case studies were presented across two separate events: Break-out Sessions:  Soil contamination remediation discussion hosted by prof. Domen Lestan …


ReSoil® technology was presented at ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Virtual oral presentation of ReSoil® technology entitled ”Resoil – Novel Technology for Efficient and Sustainable Removal of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Soils” was presented at ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, titled “Communication and Public Engagement for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet” in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. Results of ReSoil® technology were presented by …


New ReSoil® paper published in open access journal Toxics, published monthly online by MDPI.

We are announcing that our colleagues from the Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, Institute of Soil Research, University of Natural Resources & Life Science (BOKU, Austria) successfully published a paper about Remediating Garden Soils using a ReSoil® technology. For more information regarding the ReSoil® research, please click on the link below, where the original …


Visit of students of Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana as part of the University study of agriculture – agronomy 2nd level

On Friday, October 28, 2022, we were visited by students from the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. At Envit HQ, we prepared two lectures, showcased a 50 kg/batch pilot autonomous mobile unit, and demonstrated the process of ReSoil technology on laboratory and pilot scale.


Short abstract about the innovative ReSoil technology published in archives of Publications Office of the European Union

Publications Office of the European Union published abstract Envit’s ReSoil Innovative technology for Removal of toxic metals form highly contaminated soil & sediments. To learn more about this short publication, please click here: Innovative technology for Removal of toxic metals form highly contaminated soil & sediments


Presentation of Novel technology for detoxing soil, supported by H2020

Cleaning up contaminated soil is essential to preserving human health and the environment. In Europe alone, more than 340 000 sites are highly contaminated, while in China, 20 per cent of the farmland requires urgent remediation action. ReSoil is the single available remediation option that efficiently removes lead and other toxic metals from contaminated soils, …


China International Import Expo (CIIE, 2019)

Envit Ltd. will participate at China International Import Expo (CIIE, 2019). The fair will take place between November 5 and 10, 2019. The presence of Slovenian companies at CIIE 2019 is of key importance above all for the maintenance (mainly local ones) as well as for the presentation of high-tech and innovative Slovenian products such …


Presentation at the RemTech Europe

The results of the LIFE ReSoil project will be presented at the RemTech Europe conference held at the RemTech Expo in Ferrara from 18-20. September 2019. An oral presentation titled “Large-scale demonstration of novel, fully sustainable chelator-based heavy metal washing” will be presented as part of session 5 “Soil Remediation”on Thursday 19 September from 10:20 …


Photo Gallery: Demonstration garden – September 2019

Activities in September at the Demonstrational vegetable garden: -Leek was harvested and spinach was planted instead, -Kohlrabi and carrots remain in the raised beds.


Ambassador of the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Slovenia visited the demonstration facility

His Excellency Mr. Avni Kastrati, Ambassador of the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Slovenia, visited the demonstration facility in Prevalje on 11th of September  2019. As the Ambassador is originally from Mitrovica, one of the most polluted areas of the Republic of Kosovo, he expressed great interest in the presented remediation technology. We …

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