
The Closure Conference of the LIFE ReSoil project

October 4-5, 2018

Ljubljana & Prevalje, Slovenia

The Conference proceedings

We sincerely thank all authors and participants who contributed to the successful implementation of the Closure conference. Extended summaries of presented lectures are published in the Conference proceedings.

Photo Gallery: Closure Conference

LIFE ReSoil Closure conference R0002882 IMGP3091 IMGP3107 IMGP3072 IMGP3075 IMGP3076 IMGP3077 IMGP3079 IMGP3081 dr. maja Zupančič Justin izr. prof. dr. Borut Vrščaj IMGP3095 IMGP3100 Dr. Stanislava Kirinčič IMGP3106 prof. dr. Katarina Vogel Mikuš IMGP3120 dr. Erika Jež IMGP3129 doc. dr. Vesna Zupanc dr. Anela Kaurin doc. dr. Irena Maček IMGP3135 IMGP3136 IMGP3137 R0002863 R0002864 R0002867 R0002873 doc. dr. Marko Zupan R0002884 mag. Bernarda Podlipnik R0002898 R0002892 dr. Stanislava Kirinčič phD Elisa Pellegrini R0002885 prof. dr. Helena Grčman R0002908 dr. Petra Karo Bešter in dr. Anela Kaurin R0002920 PhD Christopher Noller R0002921 prof. dr. Helena Prosen prof. dr. Domen Leštan Simon Gluhar IMGP3067 IMGP3066

Photo: Damjan Adam

Photo Gallery: Openining ceremony

IMGP3249    IMGP3241    IMGP3246    IMGP3230     IMGP3285     IMGP3238     IMGP3245     IMGP3260     IMGP3261     IMGP3263     IMGP3267     IMGP3269     IMGP3271     IMGP3275     IMGP3277     IMGP3279     IMGP3293      IMGP3258     IMGP3288    IMGP3305  IMGP3294      IMGP3291     IMGP3202      IMGP3296      IMGP3250      IMGP3303      IMGP3255      IMGP3309      IMGP3310      IMGP3315      IMGP3150      IMGP3318      IMGP3320      IMGP3321      IMGP3322      IMGP3324 - Copy     IMGP3154     IMGP3324   IMGP3156  IMGP3326 IMGP3157 IMGP3327 IMGP3160 IMGP3162 IMGP3329 IMGP3333 IMGP3168 IMGP3336 IMGP3172 IMGP3173 IMGP3341 IMGP3174 IMGP3344 IMGP3178 IMGP3346 IMGP3180 IMGP3359 IMGP3361 IMGP3181 IMGP3364 IMGP3199 IMGP3365 IMGP3184 IMGP3369 IMGP3185 IMGP3376 IMGP3190 IMGP3378 IMGP3202 IMGP3205 IMGP3210 IMGP3211 IMGP3218 IMGP3220 IMGP3221 IMGP3226 IMGP3225 IMGP3227 IMGP3228-2

Photo: Damjan Adam

The Conference Programme

Conference programme is available here.

We are pleased to invite you to the Closure Conference of the LIFE ReSoil project.

At this occasion, we would kindly like to invite you to participate at the event with a lecture, poster or as a listener. Participation in the conference is free of charge.

The first day is intended to lectures and presentations of posters from invited lecturers and organizers, the second day to visit of the demonstration plant for the innovative soil washing technology. The demonstration plant in Prevalje, Slovenia, was built with financial support of LIFE Programme.

We would like to share our findings, knowledge with the active participation of the broader expert public. Student contributions are also appreciated.

After the conference, we will issue conference proceedings in electronic form. Highlights from the conference (photos) will be published on the website of the Project LIFE ReSoil. The participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

The conference is free for all participants.

The organiser will provide refreshments during breaks.

Registration of participants and important dates:

To facilitate the organisation all participants are asked to register for the conference.

The deadline for conference registration: 10. September 2018. In the case of presentation of a lecture or a poster, please indicate the title of the poster and authors.

Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: 24. September 2018

Deadline for submission of electronic version (pdf) of the posters: 24.September 2018 (in case you allow their publication on the web page)

Send your application to or

The application should contain the following information:

  • Title, Name and Surname:
  • Name and address of the organisation:
  • Contact phone:
  • E-mail address:
  • I will present a poster (lecture) at the conference: YES (entitled) / NO.
  • I will attend the conferences on 4th and 5th October Only 4th /5th  October
  • I am interested in organised transportation at Prevalje: YES / NO

Participants, who will present a poster (lecture) are asked to follow the instructions for authors for submission of extended abstract.

After the conference, we will issue conference proceedings in electronic form.

Conference location

Address of Conference Site – 1st day:

Envit d.o.o., Tržaška cesta 330, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tour to demonstration plant – 2nd day:

ENVITd.o.o. & ARHEL d.o.o., Pri Brančurniku 24, 2391 Prevalje, Slovenia

Free transportation from Ljubljana to Prevalje will be organized. Please let us know if you intend to participate the tour to the demonstration plant.

The Organizing committee:

Organizing committee: Tinkara Rozina, Mateja Gorjup, Maja Zupančič Justin, Ph.D., Neža Finžgar, Ph.D.

Programming and evaluation of abstract submissions: Neža Finžgar, Ph.D., Envit, prof. Domen Leštan, Ph.D, University of Ljubljana, Maja Zupančič Justin, Ph.D, Arhel

The Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of the conference with extended abstracts will be issued after the completion of the conference in a digital format and published on the conference website.

Instructions to authors

Instructions for extended abstracts:

Please follow a temlate at the end of this page.

Abstracts should be submitted in Word format and sent to or

In the title of the file indicate the surname of the author.

Contributions will be accepted for review, after which the authors will be informed about any comments. Authors are responsible for the correctness of grammar.

Instructions for poster presentations:

Posters should be printed in A0 size format.

With your permission, we will post electronic versions of the posters on the conference website. In this case, provide the posters in electronic form in pdf format.

Authors should bring the posters on the first day of the conference, before the beginning and place them on the marked panels in the hall on the first floor.


Instructions Extended abstract


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